Arhivi Kategorije: Funbridge

Točkovanje v Fanbridge

The first number is the Rank.

Regarding the score, on Funbridge, you are ranked based on deals either using MP scoring (expressed as a %) or IMP scoring (expressed in points), depending on the type of tournament:

  • In series tournaments: MP scoring
  • In practice tournaments: IMP scoring
  • In tournaments of the day: IMP or MP scoring

MP scoring is for tournaments in which a large number of players play the same deals and the goal is to score better than other players.
IMP scoring is rather used for team tournaments where the goal is to reach the biggest possible margin compared to other players.

Warning! Only played deals are taken into account in rankings. All players will be able to be included in the tournament general ranking with their temporary average, even if they have not finished the tournament.
Once a tournament is closed:

  • We count 25% for non-played deals in tournaments with MP ranking.
  • We count -6 IMPs for non-played deals in tournaments with IMP ranking.

Example of how MP score is calculated
For each deal, you get a result between 0 and 100%.
0% means that you are the only player to have obtained the worst result.
50% means that there are just as many players who have scored better than you as players who have scored worse.
100% means that you are the only player to have obtained the highest score.

How this percentage is calculated:
We determine a maximum score equal to the number of participants in the tournament -1.
We attribute this score to the best player, then -1 point to the next player, and so on up to the last player.
In the case of a tie, players’ points are added and divided by the number of ties. The figure obtained is then attributed to each player.
Now it just needs to be converted into a %, i.e. points are multiplied by 100 and divided by the maximum number of points.

Example of a tournament result with 9 players:
Results are: 1 x 650, 4 x 620, 2 x 170, 1 x 140 and 1 x 110.
The points obtained are:
8 points for 650, which will give the following result: 8 x 100 ÷ 8 = 100%
(7+6+5+4)/4, i.e. 5.5 points for 620, which will give the following result: 5.5 x 100 ÷ 8 = 68.75%
(3+2)/2, i.e. 2.5 points for 170, which will give the following result: 2.5 x 100 ÷ 8 = 31.25%
1 point for 140, which will give the following result: 1 x 100 ÷ 8 = 12.5%
0 point for 110, which will give the following result: 0 x 100 ÷ 8 = 0%

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Prva številka je rang.

Kar zadeva rezultat, ste na Funbridgeu razvrščeni na podlagi dogovorov bodisi z uporabo točkovanja MP (izraženo v %) ali točkovanja IMP (izraženo v točkah), odvisno od vrste turnirja:

  • Na serijskih turnirjih: MP točkovanje
  • Na vadbenih turnirjih: IMP točkovanje
  • Na turnirjih dneva: IMP ali MP točkovanje

MP točkovanje je za turnirje, na katerih veliko število igralcev igra enake ponudbe in cilj je doseči boljši rezultat od drugih igralcev.
IMP točkovanje se bolj uporablja za ekipne turnirje, kjer je cilj doseči največjo možno razliko v primerjavi z drugimi igralci.

Opozorilo! Pri razvrstitvah se upoštevajo le odigrani posli. V generalno lestvico turnirja se bodo s svojim začasnim povprečjem lahko uvrstili vsi igralci, tudi če turnirja niso končali.
Ko se turnir zaključi:

  • Računamo 25 % za neodigrane posle na turnirjih z MP rankingom.
  • Štejemo -6 IMP-jev za neodigrane dogovore na turnirjih z IMP-razvrstitvijo.

Primer, kako se izračuna MP rezultat
Za vsak posel dobite rezultat med 0 in 100 %.
0 % pomeni, da ste edini igralec, ki je dosegel najslabši rezultat.
50 % pomeni, da je ravno toliko igralcev, ki so dosegli boljše rezultate od vas, kot igralcev, ki so dosegli slabše.
100 % pomeni, da ste edini igralec z najvišjo oceno.

Kako se ta odstotek izračuna:
Določimo najvišji rezultat, ki je enak številu udeležencev na turnirju -1.
Ta rezultat pripišemo najboljšemu igralcu, nato -1 točko naslednjemu igralcu in tako naprej do zadnjega igralca.
V primeru izenačenja se točke igralcev seštejejo in delijo s številom izenačenih izidov. Dobljena številka se nato pripiše vsakemu igralcu.
Zdaj ga je treba samo še pretvoriti v %, tj. točke pomnožimo s 100 in delimo z največjim številom točk.

Primer rezultata turnirja z 9 igralci:
Rezultati so: 1 x 650, 4 x 620, 2 x 170, 1 x 140 in 1 x 110.
Dobljene točke so:
8 točk za 650, kar bo dalo naslednji rezultat: 8 x 100 ÷ 8 = 100 %
(7+6+5+4)/4, tj. 5,5 točke za 620, kar bo dalo naslednji rezultat: 5,5 x 100 ÷ 8 = 68,75 %
(3+2)/2, tj. 2,5 točke za 170, kar bo dalo naslednji rezultat: 2,5 x 100 ÷ 8 = 31,25 %
1 točka za 140, kar bo dalo naslednji rezultat: 1 x 100 ÷ 8 = 12,5 %
0 točk za 110, kar bo dalo naslednji rezultat: 0 x 100 ÷ 8 = 0 %

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