Žal mi je, da ste imeli z našo igro nezadovoljivo izkušnjo.
Ne pozabite, da je Argine še vedno umetna inteligenca, ki ni popolna.
V nekaterih situacijah se lahko njegovo vedenje zdi nelogično, nekatera njegova dejanja pa so lahko precej zmedena.
Ker se Argine nenehno izboljšuje, bi morali biti takšni pojavi redki.
Kadarkoli imate kakršne koli dvome glede posla, vedite, da imate možnost prijaviti posel.
Ko je vaša igra končana, vam bodo prikazani rezultati igre.
Na spodnji levi strani zaslona lahko vidite gumb »Prijavi posel«.
Samo izberite pravo fazo igre in nadaljujte s poročilom.
Do svojih starejših ponudb lahko dostopate tudi s klikom na rezultate.
Na dnu zaslona boste imeli možnost »Prijavi posel«.
Funkcija »Prijavi posel« je edini način za pravilno poročanje o nepravilno odigranih poslih.
Tako naša razvojna ekipa od vas prejme napredne podatke
(kodiranje, odgovorno za težavo, vrsta turnirja, na katerem se je pojavila, itd.).
Poročanje o težavi na ta način ne zagotavlja, da bo težava takoj odpravljena, vendar naj vam zagotovim, da vsa poročila, narejena s to funkcijo, pregledajo naši razvijalci in lahko vodijo do implementacije, ki prepreči težavo v prihodnjih posodobitvah.
Vendar se v večini primerov izkaže, da ima Argine prav, zato vas vabimo, da poskusite znova in poskusite razumeti, kako deluje vaš partner.
Ta članek vam lahko da nekaj namigov, da razumete, zakaj se ne razumete:
▶️ funbridge.com/bridge-artificial-intelligence
Dober način za razumevanje Argine je prikaz pojavnih nasvetov za ponudbe.
To storite tako, da sledite tem korakom:
Odprite svojo začetno stran Funbridge.
Kliknite na ⚙️ Nastavitve.
Kliknite igralno mizo, zaslon in ergonomijo.
Preverite pojavno okno Prikaži z nasveti za ponudbe.
Upam, da vam bodo moji odgovori pomagali.
Če lahko še kaj storim za vas, mi prosim sporočite.
Imej lep dan!
Podpora strankam Funbridge
Monica (Funbridge)
Jul 13, 2023, 07:14 GMT+1
I am sorry you had an unsatisfying experience with our game.
Please, remember that Argine is still an artificial intelligence that is not perfect.
In some situations, its behavior may seem illogical, and some of its actions might be quite confusing.
As Argine is being continuously improved, such occurrences should be infrequent.
Whenever you have any doubts in regards to the deal, please know that you have an option to report a deal.
Once your game is over, you will be presented with your game results.
At the bottom left side of the screen, you can see the “Report deal” button.
Just choose the right game phase and proceed with the report.
You can also access your older deals just by clicking on the results.
At the bottom of the screen, you will have an option to “Report deal”.
The “Report deal” feature is the only way to correctly report incorrectly played deals.
This way our development team receives from you the advanced data
(the coding responsible for the issue, the type of tournament in which it occurred, and so on).
Reporting the issue this way will not guarantee that the issue will be fixed right away, however, let me ensure you that all reports done through this feature are reviewed by our developers and might lead to implementation preventing the issue in the future updates to come.
However, in the majority of cases, it turns out that Argine is right, so we invite you to try again by trying to understand how your partner works.
This article could give you some clues to understand why you don’t get along:
A good way to understand Argine is to bring up the pop-up bidding tips.
To do so, follow these steps:
- Open your Funbridge start page.
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Game table, display and ergonomics.
- Check Display pop-up window with bidding tips.
I hope my answers will help you.
If there is anything else that I can do for you, please let me know.
Have a nice day!
Funbridge Customer Support